Search Engine Optimization

ID #1112

How Do I Get Better Placement?

We set up allof our websites (Perfect Package or higher) so that they are ready tobe indexed by the search engines. Our websites are set up with the proper keywords, Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions that are necessary tobuild rankings in the search engines. This does not guarantee you top placement in the Search Engines but it is a very important first step on your path tobuild top search engine placement.

We provide allour customers the latest information on how tobuild their page rank in the search engines. The FAQ section of our Web Page Builder offers Do-It-Yourself instructions and tips. With our Full Service SEO Packages, we will take care of this step for you.

Tags: Search Engine Optimization

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Last update: 2010-12-27 08:11
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.2

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