Search Engine Optimization

ID #1114

How do I get First Page Placement in the Search Engines?

There are five main factors that search engines use in their algorithms to determine which websites get top placement. The weight they give each factor varies by search engine.

--How long you have owned your domain: The longer you have owned your domain, the higher the placement your website will get in the search engines. A website that has been around for 10 years will definitely get higher placement than a new website. It takes a long-term commitment to build top rankings in the search engines.

--Keywords in your website copy, Meta Description, Meta Titles: It is important that the keywords in your copy, Meta Description and Meta Titles are consistent with each other. The search engines are looking for this trifocal.

--Links: The search engines are looking at the number of websites linking to your website. The more websites linking to you, the higher the placement you will get in the search engines. And to keep people from cheating, the search engines look at the quality of the websites linking to you. Learn how to create a Link Back Strategy that will help to increase your website placement.

--Traffic: This is sort of a chicken and egg thing with the search engines. You need traffic to get top placement and you need top placement to get traffic. 

--Tip: Drive traffic to your site by emailing all of your previous guests and letting them know about your new website.

--Google Places Listing: Setting up a free Google Places listing can also help get you on the First Page Map depending on your competition.  Google Places Listings are free and easy to manage.
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Tags: Search Engine Optimization

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Last update: 2010-12-27 08:17
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.3

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