Search Engine Optimization

ID #1116

What is a Link Back Strategy?

How would I build a Link Back Strategy?

Where to Create Partnerships: The best companies to ask to link to your site will be relevant to your website.  For example, a vacation rental website might approach local restaurants and specialty stores for a link exchange.

1)      Create Partnerships with Local businesses: When you are around town, stop in to local businesses and ask them about setting up a link back strategy. Show them your beautiful website and they will agree. This is also a great way to partner up with businesses who offer services that you don't offer and you can use each other as a networking group and refer business back and forth to each other.

Tip:  When you talk to local businesses about a link back strategy, talk about setting up a brochure swap. You put their brochure in a binder in your home(s) and they include your brochures in your website. 

2)      Talk to the local chamber of commerce:  Many local chamber of commerce sites will link to your website if you join the chamber and sometimes if you pay them a small fee.

3)      Add a link from another website to your website:  Most websites will allow you to link to your website as long as you include a link back to them.

Tip: Ask to exchange links with websites that have “aged domains.”  This means that their website has established search engine visibility over time.

Tags: Search Engine Optimization

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Last update: 2010-12-27 08:48
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.2

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