Search Engine Optimization

ID #1117

How Would I Build a Link Back Strategy?

Where to Create Partnerships: The best companies to ask to link to your site will be relevant to your website. For example, a vacation rental website might approach local restaurants and specialty stores for a link exchange.
1) Create Partnerships with Local business: When you are around town, stop in to local businesses and ask them about setting up a link back strategy. Show them your beautiful website and they will agree.
Tip: When you talk to local businesses about a link back strategy, talk about setting up a brochure swap. You put their brochure in a binder in your business and they include your brochures in their business along with links in each others website. Please contact us if you would like help creating and printing your brochure.
2) Talk to the local chamber of commerce: Many local chamber of commerce sites will link to your website if you join the chamber and sometimes if you pay them a small fee.

Where to add links to your website:

1) On a "Partners" Page: On this page you can create a bullet point list of partners and links to their website. You could also create a paragraph for each business where you could include a photo, phone number and website link.

Request the same quality promotion for your business in their website.

Tags: Search Engine Optimization

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Last update: 2010-12-27 20:05
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.4

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