Search Engine Optimization

ID #1134

What is a Meta Title?

A Meta Title is very important for building your search engine placement. Your Meta Title is viewable at the top of your website in the blue bar at the very top of the browser. The Meta Title, also known as the “title tag” or “HTML tag,” is one of the most important determiners of search engine rankings.  It is also visible in search engine results, which may determine whether or not people choose to visit your website.

Instructions on writing a Meta Title:

1)      Keep it simple. Title lengths should be limited to 65 characters. Use something like "Interior Designer in Miami"

2)      Divide phrases with either a dash (-) or Break ( | )  if you choose to add your company name to the Meta Title
"Interior Designer in Miami | Isabelle's Eco Designs"

3)      Each page of your site should have a unique Meta Title to increase keyword phrases that people are using.  Don't just optimize the homepage, you lose a lot of Search Engine real estate by doing so.

Tags: Search Engine Optimization

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Last update: 2010-12-27 09:02
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.2

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