
ID #1049

How do I add an email link within the text of my website?

Let's say you want the following text on your website: "If you're interested in our services, send us an email." and you want the words "send us an email" to be a link to your email address. Here's how to do it:

1. While working in the text editor, using your mouse, highlight the text that you want to become a link. In the example above, you would highlight "send us an email"
2. In the text editor, select the "Link Button" that will now appear in the editing tools.
3. A small window will pop up. In the Link URL box you need to type "mailto:youremail@yourdomain.com" substituting your own email address after "mailto:"
*Note-There are no spaces in "mailto:youremail@yourdomain.com"
4. Insert the link by selecting the insert button at the buttom of the popup window.
5. Save your changes to create your link.

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Tags: Hyperlinks

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Last update: 2011-10-04 02:36
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.8

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