ID #1091

I want to send out newsletters! How do I get started?

Email Newsletters are a Great Marketing Tool
to Help you Keep in Touch with your Website Visitors
—and just like all of our Features—it's Easy!

The newsletter feature of your website allows you to send out mass e-mailings to your subscriber's list.
• Create Templates to use over and over
• Add a Custom Subject Line/Greeting
• Easily change your background color, logos and headers to personalize your Newsletter
• Add images
• Newsletter Tracking Feature
• Visitors can subscribe right from your Website
• Links to your website are automatically embedded in the Newsletter footer to drive traffic back to your website
• Archive your Newsletters right on your website
• Great Way to advertize Specials, Events and drive traffic to your website!

Email Marketing Newsletter Pricing
# of Subscribers Monthly Fee
0-250 Free with Premier Membership
251-500 $4.99 + Membership
501-1000 $9.99 + Membership
1001-3000 $14.99 + Membership
3001-5000 $24.95 + Membership
Unlimited Subscribers $49.99 + Membership


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Last update: 2011-03-03 00:32
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.2

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