
ID #1151

How do I adda PayPal button tomy sidebanner?

In order to addPayPal toyour sidebanner you must create a Buy Now button in your PayPal account per their instructions. Once you have generated your PayPal HTML code follow these instructions:

1) Select SideBanner Library from your Dashboard or Edit Website Menu Bar
2) Select Text/HTML Code Bannerfrom the Create New Bannerlist
3) Select "Textbox".  (A plain white box should appear)
4) Paste your HTML Paypal generated code
5) Select a Default Sort order number if necessary.  *The sort order helps organize the order your sidebanners appear on your site.  The lower the sort number 1-10, the higher the bannerwill appear on your page
6) Select the page in which your PayPal button will appear on, or select allpages
7) Submit your new banner
8) Publish your ENTIRE website for your new sidebanner toappear

If you have any other PayPal related questions visit PayPal's FAQ

Tags: merchant services

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Last update: 2011-07-22 20:33
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.3

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