Search Engine Optimization

ID #1135

Where do I add links to my website to create a link back strategy?

1)      On a “Partners” or "Resources" Page:  On this page you can create a bullet point list of partners and links to their website. You could also create a paragraph for each business where you could include their company logo/photo, phone number and website link.

2)     In a Destination Guide: Set up a destination guide with information about  your local area. Include sections such as activities, shopping, dining, golf etc. Within each section add paragraphs about your business partners. Give each partner a paragraph of text, a photo, a link to their website, phone number and address. Request the same quality promotion for your business in their website.

Tags: Search Engine Optimization

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Last update: 2010-12-27 09:03
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.2

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