Side Banners

ID #1103

How do I adda sidebanner image that links toan another website that is not my own?

1.  From your Web Builder Dashboard, select Manage SideBanners from the Website Content section.  You can also reach this from Edit Website Mode by clicking the SideBanner Library link on your Main Menu bar
2.  Select Image (with Link)
3.  Browse tolocate the image file from your computer you want touse or choose from your image library
4.  Upload the image
5.  Under Option 2 Outside Link type or paste the full URL in which you want the image tolink (i.e.

6.  Choose a sort number that you would like that bannerto appear under. *1 is highest in sidebanner, 100+ is lowest
7.  Select the pagesyou want the sidebanner toappear on or choose Show On AllPages
8.  Submit your sidebanner and publish your pages

Tags: Side Banners

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Last update: 2011-07-19 21:40
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.5

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