Contact Form

ID #1186

I would like to add a custom message to my website visitors when they fill out my contact form. How do I do that?

Having a custom message on your contact form at the time a website visitor sends you a message is a great way to communicate with your visitors your next plan of action.  For instance, will you contact them within 24 hours via email?  Will you call them?  Do you just want to tell them a simple Thank You for filling out your Website Contact Form? 

It's easy!  Follow these steps
1.  From your Web Builder Dashboard, click on Website Settings
2.  Select the Contact Form Tab
3. Scroll to the Contact Us Field Selection area of this page and type in your custom message that will be visible to your website visitors once they have submitted an email through your contact page.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Form Fields to save your message.

Tags: Contact Form

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Last update: 2011-06-28 20:58
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.1

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