Adding/Editing Content on your Website

ID #1204

How do I edit text on my website?

Short Directions (for directions with images scroll down):

1.  Click Edit Website on your Web Builder Dashboard

2.  Hover over the page block containing the text you want to edit until the Edit/Add tool box appears, and select Add/Edit Text from the pop up box.

3.  Edit your text in the text editor.

 4.  Submit your changes by selecting Done.

5. To make your changes live, select Publish Now.

6. Finally, select Publish All Pages.


1.  Click Edit Website on your Web Builder Dashboard.


2.  Hover over the page block containing the text you want to edit until the Edit/Add tool box appears, and select Add/Edit Text from the pop up box.



3.  Edit your text in the text editor.

4.  Submit your changes by selecting "Done."

5. To make your changes live, select Publish Now.


6. Finally, select Publish All Pages.


Tags: Adding/Editing Text Content on your Website

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Last update: 2024-09-03 13:32
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.1

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