Social Networking

ID #1146

I would like to adda link tomy Facebook or other social networking sites tomy Webpage. How do I do that?

Adding direct links toyour social media site is easy.  Simply go toEdit Your Website and follow these steps:

1.   Click on SideBanner Library from the light blue Main Menu Bar
2.  Select Image (with Link)
3.  Download the FACEBOOK or other Social Media logo you want tolink too.
4.  Under Step 2 of your sidebanner editor, copy the link toyour social networking page into Option 2, outside link.
5.  Give your new sidebanner a sort order if you want toindicate importance.  The sort order determines where in your sidebanner your new link will appear.  The higher the number, the farther down the page it will appear.
6.  Select the pagesin which you want your links toappear.
7.  Submit your changes.
8.  Publish your entire website for your new sidebanner link toappear

Tags: Facebook, Instagram, Social Media, X

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Last update: 2024-09-03 11:01
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.2

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