
ID #1127

I would like to start a blog on my website. How do I get this feature and what are the benefits?

Add A Blog!

Blogging is here to stay

and the benefits for you and your customers

makes the effort a worthwhile endeavor.

Blog Benefits:


• Help clients understand your business

• Help you achieve your business objectives

• Connect to your clients on a more humanistic, personal level, which in turn will increase business through customer loyalty

• When you research topics, you are inadvertently keeping up with current trends in your industry and you may discover something new yourself

• Keep customers informed on special promotions

• You can blog daily, weekly or monthly and Google loves it when a site is constantly being updated

• You will increase traffic to your website

• our blog software helps you climb the search engines because our blog software automatically Search Engine Optimizes your blog articles based on the title you give it. If you call an article "Travel to Italy on $50 a day," the Search Engines are optimized for that title, which increases your chance of being found

• Create multiple categories so that if you want to target different client types or customers

• The main blog page will feed all of your articles from all of your sections to the main page so that your readers can see all of them and choose what they want to read

• If you use Facebook you can get an application that feeds your blog directly to your Facebook page with our built in share buttons.

• Use your newsletter feature as a way to promote your blog

• Since blogs are interactive, you can receive valuable feedback from your clients that will serve your business choices

Add A Blog

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Last update: 2011-10-03 22:24
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.7

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