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Records in this category
- I want to separate my blog entries by topic. How can I organize my blog entries by category?
- I’ve added the Blog feature to my website. How do I get started blogging?
- I would like to add a blog entry to a category. How do I do that?
- How do I or turn on, or turn off, the blog comment feature?
- I would like to add a news feed of my most recent blog posts to my side banner. How do I create that?
- How do I add a new blog entry?
- I would like to add a photo to my blog entry. How do I do that?
- How do I add a Photo Slideshow/Gallery to my blog entry?
- How do I add a YouTube Video to a blog entry?
- How do I add a Video file to a Blog Entry?
- How do I change the order of my blog entries?
Sticky FAQs
- How do I change my password?
- How do I update my billing address?
- How do I change the contact information that appears ...
- I would like a custom design for my website. ...
- How do I change my domain name?
- I purchased my domain through my own registrant service ...
- I have just gotten a brand new email account ...
- I forgot my password to my email account. How ...
- How do I add a Map to a page ...
- How do I add a link to another website ...
- How do I upload my logo to my website? ...
- How do I add a new Navigation page to ...
- How do I change the order of my Web ...
- How do I add Photos to my Web page? ...
- What are Search Engine Meta Titles, Keywords and Descriptions ...
- How do I add text to a web page? ...
- How do I setup my new email address to ...
- How do I receive email from my website to ...
- How do I get an email account for my ...
- How do I get First Page Placement in the ...
- The Calendar feature has been added to my website. ...
- I have forgotten my password to log into my ...
- How do I change my username for logging into ...
- I would like to add a photo to my ...
- What are the benefits and features of the Password ...
- How do I upload multiple photos at a time ...
ID #1201
I would like to add a news feed of my most recent blog posts to my side banner. How do I create that?
The side banner area of your website has a Blog/News Feed feature that you can easily activate to allow your website visitors a sneak peak at your most recent blog/news posts.
To activate your Side Banner News Feed follow these steps:
1. From your Web Builder Dashboard, click "Banners" in the "My Toolbox" box.
2. Select "Recent News/Blog Posts".
3. Title your News/Blog Feed (i.e. Recent Updates, Headlines, (My Website) News.
4. Choose the amount of entries you would like to showcase in your side banner. (5-10 is ideal due to space)
5. Choose the pages you would like your News/Blog Post feed to appear on
6. Publish your entire website for your changes to appear
Tags: Blog, Side Banners
Related entries:
- How do I change the color of my website design?
- I want to separate my blog entries by topic. How can I organize my blog entries by category?
- I’ve added the Blog feature to my website. How do I get started blogging?
- What is a Subdomain?
- Can I set up filters in my email account that will route certain incoming messages to specific folders I create?
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.5