
ID #1201

I would like to adda news feed of my most recent blog posts tomy sidebanner. How do I create that?

The sidebanner area of your website has a Blog/News Feed feature that you can easily activate toallow your website visitors a sneak peak at your most recent blog/news posts.

To activate your SideBanner News Feed follow these steps:
1.  Click Manage SideBanners from your Web Builder Dashboard
2.  Select Recent News/Blog Posts
3.  Title your News/Blog Feed (i.e. Recent Updates, Headlines, (My Website) News
4.  Choose the amount of entries you would like toshowcase in your sidebanner.  (5-10 is ideal due tospace)
5.  Choose the pages you would like your News/Blog Post feed toappear on
6.  Publish your entire website for your changes toappear

Tags: Blog, Side Banners

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Last update: 2024-08-05 09:16
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.4

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