
ID #1228

I would like to adda photo tomy blog entry. How do I do that?

To adda photo toa blog entry follow these steps (for steps with screenshots, scroll down):

1.  From your Dashboard, click Blog
2.  Select "Add New Entry toBlog" on the Blog page, or hover over the title of an existing entry and select "Photos."
3.  If it is a new entry, title your blog entry and write your article in the text editor.
4.  Select Add/Edit Photo, then select Save.
5.  Browse for a photo that is saved on your computer/device, or choose from the Photo Library on your Dashboard. Maximum size is 1950 pixels.
*Optional: Once selected, adda caption toyour photo.
7.  Align your photo tothe Left, Right, or of the blog entry (Single Photos Only).
8.  Save your Photo.
9.  Publish your ENTIRE website
10.  Your new blog article will now appear on your live website.


NOTE: By default, photo will appear on the Left on the blog entry preview page. Click Read More, at the bottom of the entry preview, tosee chosen placement.


1.  From your Dashboard, select Blog.



2.  Select "Add New Entry toBlog" on the Blog page.




Hover over the title of an existing entry, and select Photos. Skip toStep #5.



3.  If it is a new entry, title your blog entry and write your article in the text editor.



4.  If this is a new entry, select Add/Edit Photo, then select Save.



5.  Select Browse. Select a photo from the files on your computer/device. Maximum size is 1950 pixels.




6. The name of the photo selected should appear next to"Browse." Select Upload File.



7. Your picture should appear on the left sideof editor. Select AddPicture.



8. Your photo should now appear on the right sideof the editor. Tochose placement of photo, click on the arrow next towhere is says "Left" for drop-down menu, and choose Left, Center, or Right. This option is for a single photo only.




9. Adda caption if you would like.


9. Select Save.



10. Select Publish Now in the upper right corner of your screen.


11. Select Publish AllPages.



NOTE: By default, photo will appear on the Left on the blog entry preview page. Click Read More, at the bottome of the entry preview, tosee chosen placement.

Tags: Blog

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Last update: 2024-08-09 14:00
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.8

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