Calendar Feature

ID #1139

I would like to add an event to my calendar. How do I do that?

1. Select Calendar from your Web Builder Dashboard
2. *If your Calendar has Categories, click the category in which you would like to add your event (see how to add Categories here)
3. Scroll just below your Calendar so that you will see the “Add New Event to……(my category)”
4. Title your Event
5. Add a short and long Event Description if applicable in the available text box
6. Add your event location (if applicable)
7. Add the time of your event in the Time section
8. Click the Calendar icon so that you can select the date of your event. You cannot type in your date manually
9. Choose if the Event runs once, weekly or monthly.
10. Save your event. Your event will now be listed on your Calendar
11. Publish your website. Your event will appear on your live site

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Tags: calendar

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Last update: 2011-10-03 22:48
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.5

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