Calendar Feature

ID #1203

I would like to adda news feed of my upcoming events tomy sidebanner. How do I create that?

The sidebanner area of your website has a Event/News Feed feature that you can easily activiate toallow your website visitors a sneak peak at your upcoming events.

To activate your SideBanner Event Feed follow these steps:

1. Click Manage SideBanners from your Web Builder Dashboard

2. Select Upcoming Events

3. Title your Event Feed (i.e. Upcoming Events, Upcoming Meetings)

4. Choose the amount of events you would like toshowcase in your sidebanner. (5-10 is ideal due tospace)

5. Choose the pages you would like your Event Feed toappear on

6. Publish your entire website for your changes toappear

Tags: calendar

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Last update: 2011-04-26 21:45
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.0

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