
36 search results

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  • Search Engine Optimization: What is a Link Back Strategy?
    Answer: How would I build a Link Back Strategy? Where to Create Partnerships: The best companies to ask to link to your site will be relevant to your website.  For ...

  • Search Engine Optimization: How Would I Build a Link Back Strategy?
    Answer: Where to Create Partnerships: The best companies to ask to link to your site will be relevant to your website. For example, a vacation rental website might ...

  • Widgets/Affiliates and HTML: What is a widget?
    Answer: According to Wikipedia, “a widget (or control) is an element of a graphical user interface (GUI) that displays an information arrangement changeable by the user, ...

  • Search Engine Optimization: What are Meta Keywords?
    Answer: Meta Keywords are search phrases that people would type into a search engine. Everything between a comma should be considered a search phrase. To create your search ...

  • Search Engine Optimization: What is a Meta Description?
    Answer: The meta description is a sentence or two about your website containing important keywords.  It should primarily be the first paragraph of your page content that ...

  • Search Engine Optimization: What is a Meta Title?
    Answer: A Meta Title is very important for building your search engine placement. Your Meta Title is viewable at the top of your website in the blue bar ...

  • Search Engine Optimization: Where do I add links to my website to create a link back strategy?
    Answer: 1)      On a “Partners” or "Resources" Page:  On this page you can create a bullet point list of partners and links to their website. You ...

  • Social Networking: I would like to add a link to my Facebook or other social networking sites
    Answer: Adding direct links to your social media site is easy.  Simply go to Edit Your Website and follow these steps: 1.   Click on Side Banner Library from ...

  • Paypal: How do I add a PayPal button to my side banner?
    Answer: In order to add PayPal to your side banner you must create a Buy Now button in your PayPal account per their instructions. Once you ...

  • Blog: I would like to add a photo to my blog entry. How do I
    Answer: To add a photo to a blog entry follow these steps (for steps with screenshots, scroll down):1.  From your Dashboard, click Blog2.  Select "Add New ...

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