
ID #1163

How do I update the server records for my domain with GoDaddy?

Please Note: This process is intended for customers who want to have their website hosted with us, but also maintain hosting and/or e-mail with GoDaddy.

You will want to create/edit "A Records" and "CNAME Records" for your domain

Instructions for how to edit/create the records can be found here

Things you will need to know:

For A Records:

"Host Name" is your domain, e.g. "", there is NO prefix, e.g. NOT "", NOT ""

"Points to IP Address" is going to be ""

"TTL" is going to be 14400


For CNAME Records:

You will want to create a CNAME record for "www." + yourdomain:

"Alias Name" is "www." + yourdomain, e.g. ""

"Points to Host Name" is just yourdomain, e.g. "" (again, NO prefix)

"TTL" is going to be 14400

Tags: A Record, CNAME Record, DNS, GoDaddy, Server Record

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Last update: 2011-06-28 22:53
Author: WebBuilder Support
Revision: 1.5

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